Contacts Register Warrenty Company Contact 1 Address 1 Address 2 State zip code Phone 1 Phone 2 Last called Recall 3's position 1's positiion Contact 2 Contact 3 2's position Comment Delete Record Clear Previous Store Update Zip Ext In/Out File Name Comments To Do's APPT Edit File Calls Letters Ticklers Delete Line Insert Return to Contacts Help ! Print Registation Form Print Form I AGREE Print Registration Register Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4 Field5 Field6 Field7 Field8 Field9 Field10 Field11 Field12 Field13 Field14 Field15 Field16 Contacts Prospect Close Warrenty MS Sans Serif Courier Arial Arial Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif Script Script Script Script MS Sans Serif System MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif System Courier System MS Sans Serif Courier MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif Courier New Courier New Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman( Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman Table1 Contacts Help !! Contacts was written using Paradox 3.5 and ObjectVison 2.0 Contacts is shareware, you have 30 days in wich to evaluate it. After 30 days you are required to Register by mail. Cleard Buttons Actions Click this button if you'd like to clear the entire form. Be sure to update if you are editing a current record before you click this or the Changed data will be lost! If you are entering a New client or company, be sure to Click the Store button to make a record of that information before you click the Clear button Delete Recordb Click Delete Record when the information is no longer needed. CAUTION ! Once a record is deleted, it really is gone. No Retreival Storeb Click Store to add the NEW information to your Records Insertd Click Insert to Add a record between two other records. Note this only works when Identical entries need to be created. ie two entries like "Olsons home accounting" where you would prefer one of the records be ahead of the other Updated Click Update after you have edited information in any of the fields except customer. When you enter new information in Customer, it is considerd a new Customer and all of the other fields will be cleared to enter New information Previousd Click Previous when you want to navigate to a customer which is placed Alphabetically before the current customer Nextd Click Next when you want to navigate to a customer which is placed Alphabetically after the current customer Exitd Click Exit when you want to leave TES CONTACT. This will Store the record that is currently on the screen. If you see a pop up windows that reads Key Violation ! Disregard it as this is only telling you, you are trying to store a record that has already been stored Help !b Click Help to get to this screen, If you need help with any of the fields, Push the F1 key while the cursor is in that field. A pop up window will inform you about that field Print Formb Click Print Form when you want to have a printed copy of the current record. Note to have a copy of all the records in your data base, Click File 'in upper left hand corner' and then Print All. Apptb Click Appt when you want to pull up Windows appointment scheduler, CALANDER.EXE For more information on Appointment scheduler see your windows manual or open CALANDER.EXE and click on Help To Do's` Click To Do's when you want to edit your to do list. Clicking To Do's will run Windows Notepad.exe and open a file called todos.txt . The .LOG txt at the beging of the todos.txt file will insert a Time & Date stamp. This handy to record when the Line of text next to it was enterd. 'How long ago did I enter this todo' Edit Fileb Click Edit File when you want to edit a file listed in the Yellow Table portion of the Form. Windows Notepad Editor will open up with the filename you have enterd under file name on the current line of the table. If you haven't already created that Ascii file, TES CONTACT will creat it for you with Notepad. Don't forget to SAVE your file before leaving Notepad Click All when you would like to see Calls, letters, and Ticklers. This relates to the Filters for contacts in the 'Type' field. ' 1' Phone Call contact, '2' Letter contact, or '3' Tickler reminder Callsb Click Calls when you want to activate the filter in the yellow table field 'type' This will bring up only the records with the 1 enterd in the type field Lettersb Click Letters when you want to activate the filter in the yellow table field 'type' Thsi will bring up only the records with the 2 int the type field Delete Line` Click Delete Line when you would like to eliminate a record in the yellow table portion of TES CONTACT. CAUTION deleting a line will completely remove the line from the yellow table. Be sure your cursor is on the line you want to delete ! Credits I would like to thank Microsoft for Windows 3.1 "much improved operating enviroment" I would like to thank Borland for Objcet Visionect and Paradox 3.5 Mostly I would like to thank my wife Mary for her help and understanding, while I spent months developing this program !, TES CONTACTG You may evaluate this program for 30 days after which you Must Register it or stop using it. TES CONTACT is shareware. You may try it before you buy it, but it is NOT FREE!4 To register this program, Click on the Register Button. Be sure your printer is On line and has paper in it! Fill out the registration and send in. Delivery is 4 weeks Thresher Enterprise Systems 850 East A street Dixon, Ca. 956204 Product Registration Form TES CONTACT ver 1.0z Company / Address:P (###)###-#### Your Daytime Telephone Number4 Disk Media, check one: > Date ordered> Your Name (as you would like it to apear)( Comany Name or Orginization6 Registration Fee California Residents Add sales tax Shipping and Handling: Total\ If you want to order more than one copy of TES CONTACT please send an individual form for each copy. In order to enter company name and Data I'll need specific information for each copy. If you buy 5 or more copys the cost per copy is $40.00 per copy Please send Check or Money order to:. Thresher Entreprise Systems 850 East A street Dixon, Ca. 95620 How did you receive your copy of TES CONTACT ? What would you like to see changed or added ? DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTYb THIS SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION ARE SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABLILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRERSSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIROMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERD. WHILE WE HAVE MADE EVERY EFFORT TO TEST THE PRODUCT IN A WIDE VARIETY OF OPERATING ENVIROMENTS, GOOD PROCEDURE DICTATES THAT ANY PROGRAM BE THOROUGHLY TESTED WITH NON-CRITICAL DATA BEFOER RELYING ON IT. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM. ANY LIABILITY OF THE AUTHOR WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE. DISTRIBUTION OF TES CONTACTS[ THE AUTHOR OF TES CONTACTS (TM) UNCONDITIONALLY RETAINS ALL RIGHTS PURSUANT TO THE COPYRIGHT LAWS OF THE UNITED STATES With that said, I very much encourage distribution of this product, under the following conditions; Any person serving as a distributor of TES CONTACTS must retain exactly the original form of the distribution, by including ALL files, in unmodified condition, especially including but not limited to documentation and product screens that refer to registration information, forms, and procedures, that are part of distribution, conducted by the author. Owners or operators of Electronic Bulletin Boards, such as CompuServe, may acquire or accept, and then distribute copies of TES CONTACTS (TM) through there EBB service, subject to the conditions above, and may further do so in the context of charging subscribers to their services a general fee for belonging to the membership of the service, and/or related to overt sale of the TES CONTACTS (TM) product. This should in no way be construed as relinquishment, by the author, of his copyright protection and sole ownership of TES CONTACTS (TM) SUGGESTED PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONK Title: TES CONTACTS Contact Manager for Microsft Windows 3.1 Keywords: Dababase, Manager, Windows Product Description: The First Really Powerful Contact mananger for Windows 3.1 Powerful Manager, Track your contacts by company. Access Windows, Calander, Write and Notepad, directly from the program. Clever links are used to automatically tie the editor to files, alowing multiple text files on one company. For instance, You can use notepad to edit a file log of information about a client, In the same database, you could also access a word proccessor, Windows Write, or Word for Windows, and Edit any kind of file. The number of thease types of files is only limited by the size of your dirve. Any persons possessing a bona fide copy of the shareware version of the program, as origanlly distributed by the author, may freelly copy and distribute the product to whomever they like, as long as they retain exactly the original form of the distribution, by indluceing ALL files, in unmodified condition, especially including but not limited to documentation and product screens that refer to registration informatin, forms, and procedures, that are part of distrubution conducted by the author, and as long as they aseess no fees beyond those required for materials needed in distribution of the product, i.e., matching exactly the cost of floppy dixks, mailing maiterials and costs, or long-distance phone charges relevant to electronic distribution. With the exceptions of EBB operators, under the conditions described above, and that of persons entering into written contractual distribution agreements with Thresher Enterprise Systems, other persons engaged in the distrubtion of software for profit, ARE EXPLICITYLY PROHIBITED from marketing or selling, in any form, any files or parts of files, or modified versions fo files, that are part of the author's product distribution. Developers of software products who incorporate ANY protion of the binary portions of the authors's product, or who copy features or spects of the user-interface of the product subject to protection by the laws of copyright, SHALL BE PROSECUTED, unless they have the express, written permission of Thresher Enterprise Systems to do so. Company: To select a company, scroll down the list and click on the desired name. To Enter a company, Just type in the Newcompany name, then Tab to the next field the form will clear it's self for new company information Last called This field defaults to your computer systems Date and Time, It's a handy way to keep track of when you last talked to some one 33820.57453703703704 Recall This field is where you'd enter when you next need to talk to someone Owned by Relates to the company. Who owns the company? Many times when your talking to some one on the phone, your not talking to the owner. This field will help you to remmember to ask who owns the company? Contacts Position Thsi field relates to the Contact, in that , what is his or her relationship to the Company you are tracking Comment This field is just a very short note like field to be used as a memory jogger. You may enter any character you like. This field will alow you to enter 255 charaters, This can be used for any information you would like to enter. contacts contacts contacts contacts Contacts contacts This is the date of the accurance. It defaults to the current system date. You may change it by typing over the date which appears Type 1 , 2, or 3 This information will alow the filter buttons to the right of the chart to filter information in the chart according to your entrys The number of days since the Date field was filled in. This is a good method of tracking How long it has been since ie since a contact was made with this individule, or how long on this project This field can be use to track the time of the contact, it is strictly a referance to you In/Out This field gives you a reference like a time clock. For instance if you started a project on a perticular date and time you would enter "In" in this field. In the next line down when the project was finished you enter all pertenant information in the fields and enter "Out" in this field, indicating you are finished with this transaction File Name Enter the name of the Notepad file you want to edit. This field works with the EDIT FILE button to the right of the table. You can use this for any information particular to this company. After you open the file by clicking yes to creat new file, if you enter .LOG on the first line of the files text. Editor will insert a time and date stamp each time this file is edited in the futer. This is handy to track Date related information about clients or customers. Don't forget to save befor you exit Notepad This file name if made in this order FILENAME.TXT will open Notepad editor. If entered like this FILENAME.WRI will open Write to edit a file. Notepad is limited in file size, and will not edit large files. Give the file you want to creat a .WRI file extention and Write will open and edit the document. Please refer to your windows manual to find out more about Notepad and Write Comments Use this as a memory jogger. To allow you to remmember what the file whas for. Notepad TODOLIST.txt calendar.exe Winword.exe .wri NOTEPAD.EXE .txt NOTEPAD.EXE History Calls History History Letters History History Ticklers History History History Contacts History History Contacts contacts register register Register 5.25" 1.2 Mb 3.5" 1.44 Mb 3.2625 52.7625 contacts Amway Computer Customer Warrenty warrenty contacts CONTACTS ProspectE History HISTORY Table1z InOut File Name Comments! Calls Letters Ticklers